Ex-Convict to Pastor - Christian Salvation Testimony by Pastor of New Life Christian Drug Alcohol Rehab

(Taken from a Pastoral Newsletter)


“We are narcotics officers!” one of the two men tried to tell me, holding his hands above him as I pointed my rifle right at his head. I could hear the other officer praying as they tried to convince me that they were policemen. Even though I commanded them to keep their hands up, one managed to display his badge proving their identity. Once I fully realized that they were undercover agents and not just a couple of addicts trying to rip me off, I shouted, “Don’t move or I’ll shoot! -Don’t move one inch!” And I began backing up into my apartment. Once inside, I bolted the door. I could still hear them running around outside calling out to me, “Throw out that gun first and come out with your hands up. This is the police!” My first thought was to give up. Then I thought about my life. -I’m an addict. I’ve been in just about all the prisons in California. I’ve gone through all these programs for drug addicts. Yet, I’m still the same. This would be one of the best ways to end it all and get out of this life. I hid behind a door frame. One of the narcotics officers saw me. He aimed for my head. A shot rang out and at the same time, I felt something tap me on the back of my head. Because I ducked my head, the bullet only passed through the back of my neck.
As I look back now, It was God’s hand that tapped my head. Normally, a person would jerk their head backwards to get away from the bullet. I wasn’t saved at the time, it was just the mercy of God upon my life. After that incident, I entered a Christian Men’s Home and I had the chance to hear the Gospel of Christ. It took me a while to accept Christ as my personal savior. Yet, I did it and it has been over twenty years since He came into my life and changed it completely. After I graduated from the home, I attended the Assemblies of God Berean School of the Bible.

The testimony of the man above is the testimony of a man who is now the pastor and executive director of the New Life Rehab Christian Home for Men and Women in the Antelope Valley Area. He and his wife both left good paying jobs in order to enter this ministry for the Lord. They took a leap of faith to follow the call of the Lord. Their lives bear witness that God has been faithful to their family in meeting their needs and in ministering to many in need of help who are to be reached for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Friends, as God sends more that are in need, bound and lost, this ministry also needs you to stand by with your support. Ask God what He would have you do each month. We need to reach many more as we take heed of the command “To go out and preach the gospel.”(Mk. 16:15) and bring them to this home.
We thank you for your concern for this ministry and continued prayers for the staff, and the residents receiving Christian training.

Contributions are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. Please make them payable to “New Life” They can be sent to the address found in the letterhead above
With Love in the Service of Jesus Christ,

Rev. Leonard & Angie Meza
The ministry of New Life doesn’t just reach into the ghettos, but also, it has served the Lord by working with men, women, and young people who have come from various parts of the United States. “We reach forth into the highways and byways”(Lk. 14:23) into prisons, parks, street corners, -and yes, even into middle and upper class neighborhoods.